I'm admit that I probably asking too much from God sometimes
Like having good results in exam or test
But there are two main things I would love to have is...
1) Getting a laptop-as long as got internet and the laptop itself
2) Going to Super Junior's Super Show 3
I just really want this two things especially the laptop
Seeing other people using the laptop
It just makes me wanna envy them
I know it's alot to ask for
But I swear once this wishes are true,
I'll be world's happiest girl and there will be nothing that can beat those moments
If I were to die right now, these will be my dying wishes
I know its abit exaggerating but...yeah...my dying wishes
To my dearest Lord:
"I know I have ask alot from You before but these two wishes are my life...well before get married of course. After these two wishes are within my grasp, I do not have anything else to ask for. Amen... "
Friday, August 27, 2010
Dare to dream...can it really come true??
Posted by Bernice~ at 7:05 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
No matter what...
Posted by Bernice~ at 8:02 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
The Happenings
Saturday, 19/06/2010
Posted by Bernice~ at 7:53 AM 0 comments
Friday, June 11, 2010
Updating ... finally!

Posted by Bernice~ at 9:00 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
It was worth the wait...
Sorry if the video is too big :)
Posted by Bernice~ at 8:55 PM 0 comments
Friday, May 7, 2010
Its been a real long time ...
Posted by Bernice~ at 8:57 AM 0 comments
Monday, April 12, 2010
Another self exposed!!
Posted by Bernice~ at 5:55 AM 0 comments
Saturday, April 3, 2010
Reasons of Absence
Hey! Missing me?
Saeng Il Chukkae Hamnida, Hyukkie oppa ♥ 생일 축하 이 혁재 ♥
Posted by Bernice~ at 9:13 PM 0 comments
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Birthday Bash..

Posted by Bernice~ at 8:10 PM 0 comments
Monday, March 22, 2010
Loving and Kind in Heart:Super Junior
It's been two days since Super Show II
Posted by Bernice~ at 5:54 AM 0 comments
Monday, March 15, 2010
Is it even possible??
Can I get it?
Posted by Bernice~ at 8:54 PM 0 comments
Friday, March 5, 2010
I've never hated someone until a bursting point
She scolded me and my friend...
Why she scolded us?
Because we didnt finish our assignment (designing the class
Not only that my friend and I weren't the only one assign to this
There are another two boys and she only scold us!!
Idiot!!! She was even praising her ownself
Saying that she soak the cloth for one day and washed it with her own hands
I was like "Did we even ask you about the cloth?" ,
"If you care so much about the damn classroom, why dont you do it?"
and rolling my eyes all the way..
I actually felt like giving a piece of my mind and leave the class
Dont feel like talking about it
So I'll get going =)
Have a nice day ^^
Posted by Bernice~ at 6:00 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
A good friend..
A good friend will be transferring to another school
Posted by Bernice~ at 6:26 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Finger Oh~ Finger
Is it okay?? Do you like it? I love my ring so much ^^
How about hers?? Nice?? More like a vamp to me hehe
Posted by Bernice~ at 7:15 AM 0 comments
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Percy Is Logan ^.^
After hearing so many stories about

Posted by Bernice~ at 1:32 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Dancing All The Way Thru CNY
Hey, have been posting for quite a few days...
Have been busy with CNY season
Getting loads of ang pau
Well... I'm here again with another post
Kinda lazy to post so I'll make it ASAP [?] (as short as possible)
On the eve [13/02/10],
Went to have dinner at my grandparents' place
At the same time, my cousin from Singapore, also came back
The whole family came back to eat like a family gathering
We always gather on the CNY season
Got our ang pau's ... Some gave 5 or 10 while other gave few bucks =(
On the 1st day of CNY, after getting ang pau's from relatives
My cousin, Jiamin, wanted to watch the movie, Valentine's Day
So I just tagged along ... The movie was released on February 11
So we went to the nearest cinema but unfortunatly, that movie didn't show in that cinema
Sorry... Anyways, so we decided to just shop around
Shopped for tee and such but ended up buying accessories
Jiamin bought the nail polish while I bought a ring for 5 bucks
Later on, back home, polish my nails with blue..
While she polish her nail, one hand blue and the other pink
Everything was the same for Monday and Tuesday[?] except...
Jiamin and her family had to leave after dinner
So sad ... missing her while writting this
Chatted with her as usual thn she had to go
After she left, comes a message from her that she wanted to chat
So I'm up for it since it's kinda boring as well
Chatted until about 10 something
I had my supper and played with my other cousin
And THE END...
Posted by Bernice~ at 12:15 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Hanyung and Siwon oppa
Dedicated to the best idols in my heart, Super Junior!!
A wish to them:
"생일 축하 해요! 한경 oppa하려면, 당신이 다시 슈퍼 주니어 곧 올 것이다 희망! 다들 너무 그리워!Siwon oppa, 난 당신의 노래와 연기 경력을 성공의 경로를 통해 갈 것이다 소원! 난 널 사랑해!"
Signing off now.... bye!!
Posted by Bernice~ at 7:07 AM 0 comments
Saturday, February 6, 2010
7th of January 2010
I'm so sad but yet also happy
I still dont know whether I can go or not..
I am bursting my brains to find ways..
I'm also scared to tell my parents about it..
I am so frustrated!!!
I can't believe that all those cheap tickets are sold in just 2HOURS!!!
Can't believe that there are so many E.L.F in just Malaysia
What is my parents going to say if they found out???!
*Shouting like mad*
(If you dont know what ticket I'm talking about, read the last post^^)
This is why I'm sad and frustrated..
I'm happy because...
Chinese New Year is coming near soon!!
In just a week's time, then is... CNY TIME!!!
I, Crystal and the rest of my family and relatives
are waiting for the return Jiamin and her family
Its been awhile since I last seen her...
Anyways I'll stop here for now...
Its also time for me to do my homework and watch some youtube videos
See ya!!
Posted by Bernice~ at 6:06 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Passport Incident and a Wish
Let's start with Monday [01/02/10], okay?
Its already the second month of the year
Anyway, went to make new passports for my brother and myself
Damn many people... You would faint at the sight of it
We waited until lunch
So we went to McDonalds to grab a bite
45 minutes later, we went back to that eyesore place
We sat there until it was our turn
The minute it was our turn, it was already 4 something
Can you believe? From early in the morning up until 5 in the evening
We could only make my brother's passport
So mine I have to make it the next day..
Finally we could go home
There are both, good and bad news...
The bad news is....
Well, my cousin, Crystal told me that the Super Show 2 concert tickets SOLD OUT!!
I didnt believe her at first
But then I went online to check and guess what??
I am sad and angry at the same time..!!
The good news is...
To lighten things up, today is one of my favourites is SuJu
Which is Kyuhyun oppa's birthday...!!!
Here are my early wishes to him:
생일 축하, Kyuhyun oppa!
그랬으면 당신 것입니다 매우 행복하고 모든 방법과 같은 건강한 ...
그리고 저는 또한 당신과 슈퍼 주니어의 다음 앨범에 더 큰 성공을해야한다 소원
Posted by Bernice~ at 6:19 AM 0 comments
Saturday, January 30, 2010
31st of January 2010
YO...! Havent been posting for quite awhile
There's nothing to tell about
I'm writing this post on the last day of the month, January
Anyways I'm gonna start with Friday..
Friday [29/01/10]
During my English lesson,
my form teacher who is also my English teacher,
decided to change our places..
I tried not to look at the teacher
So I and my friend, Felicia, wouldnt be chosen to change our places
But in the end it didnt work..
We were chosen to sit in the third row
And not to mention, WE ARE THE ONLY GIRLS IN THAT ROW!!
We are so damn unlucky....
Saturday [30/01/10]
It was my grandfather's birthday..
We celebrated his birthday with relatives in a Japanese restaurant
I actually felt like I was in Japan
It was so cool...
After eating, chatted for quite some time
Then we went to see an awesome condominium
My cousin, brother and myself were treating the condo
As if it were our own ...
You can just imagine it...
It was so nicely decorated, even with cheap furniture from Ikea
It was still so awesome, the owner of this condo,
Her taste in decorating was so fantastic.. (two thumbs up for her)
Later on will be going to 1U to buy the Super Show 2 ticket
It's just such a pity that Wei Yee cannot go..
But its okay, at least I'll be going with Crystal and another friend
Anyways,here is SNSD's new MV, OH!
Posted by Bernice~ at 6:46 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
There are time I really feel like killing @.@
Cant believe two weeks after the school reopen had passed
Good and bad things have happened..
Anyways, this is not the main point I writing this post
I'm writing this post is because..
Well.. let me tell you the story right from the beginning
After my dinner, I practiced playing my piano
I need to practiced just abit more longer than usual
'Cause the teacher gave me a new piece to play on
Wasnt really sure of the notes
So definitely will play wrong notes
My mum thinks I'm Superman
I can play everything perfectly..
Play just one wrong note
Then all hell break loose..!!
She even pushed the chair
And it hit my leg... Damn pain man!!!
Definitely going to be black and blue tomorrow. NO DOUBT!!!!
Anyways, just complaining to you guys...
Hope you dont think this is child abuse xD
Will post soon ... Bye~
Posted by Bernice~ at 6:53 AM 0 comments
Friday, January 15, 2010
Good News! except...
Back with another post..
Wednesday [13/01/10]
School all normal
Everything normal as usual
Nothing special even happen ==
After that, tuition again~
So sad cause its my dad's birthday
And I got tuition..Cant celebrate with him
Came back from tuition
Whole family didnt celebrate dad's birthday
'Cause I'm not around
So will celebrate today with other relatives
Nothing happen on Thursday
Friday [15/01/10]
Went to Felicia's house again
At 12 something, went school
At the last two period of school
Found out that our class schedule
WHAT THE F***!!!
We didnt have time to copy the new schedule
'Cause got some meeting to go to
In tuition, all normal again~~
Today, Saturday:
Probably will celebrate dad's birthday with other relatives
Anyways, after I woke up, was extremely happy
On the 20th March 2010
The minute I woke up from a fantasy,
Was the minute it came true
How awesome can it be?!!!
And its also on a week-end =D
Now its time to wrap up another post..
I'm gonna pray hard that I can go to SuJu's concert~
Posted by Bernice~ at 6:35 PM 0 comments
Monday, January 11, 2010
Introducing.... F.CUZ
There is this new kpop group call f.cuz
They just debuted with their song call Jiggy
Love their style, song, everything...
Although, you dont understand what they're singing
But you can definitely feel the 'feeling' in the song
Anyways, here is their song, Jiggy:
Posted by Bernice~ at 7:09 AM 0 comments
Friday, January 8, 2010
Longest post =P
Hey y'all!! I'm back with a new post
Havent been using the net lately
Will tell you why later in the post
Note: This will probably be the longest post in my entire blog
Lets start with -Tuesday [05/01/10]- :
Second day of school
Still no homework given
But my mum found a tuition centre for me
This tuition centre has a history of guiding the students
until they got As for their PMR and SPM
*sighs* Every Wednesday, Thursday and Friday at 7.45 - 10.45 got class
This goes on till October
Then December start teaching for Form 3
-Wednesday [06/01/10]-
~In school~
Got my school magazine for 2009
Everyone flip through the magazine
There were a few touching stories, written by the students, themselves
There were tongue twisters too~
~At home~
Quickly bath
Quickly eat
Everything also have to be fast
First day of tuition
So didnt want to be late
~In tuition~
Maths first
The teacher taught us the 'Directed Numbers'
In short, Integers...
Science after that
The teacher was an Indian teacher
He maybe Indian but he's a really humurous guy
But when it comes to studying, he's really serious
Mr.Siva is the teacher's name
Our first chapter, was The World Through Our Senses
-Thursday [07/01/10]-
Nothing much to say about Thursday
Everything normal
Except got homework
Like Science and English
In tuition, also the same
Everything normal only
Nothing happen~~
-Friday [08/01/10]-
~At home~
School starts later on Friday
So I bath and waited for my piano teacher to come
Receive a call from her that she will be late
So postpone the class to next Tuesday
'Cause gotta go to school at 12 to meet up with friends at Felicia's house
And do the Duty Roster, Class Schedule, and lastly, Organation Chart
So busy after being a 'secretary' (as I said in my [04/01/10] post)
~At Feli's house~
Reach there, friends already started doing the "projects"
The table were so messy when we packed up to go to school
And continue the "projects" given by the class teacher
~In school~
I realised that I forgotten to bring my money to school
*sighs* So I borrowed money from Feli to buy drinks and books
Now I owe her RM3.80
PE was my last subject
The boys and girls in class were split to different teachers
A few of my friends and I had to stay back in class to finish it
The teacher, Pn.Chua, thought that we were skipping class,
Checked on us ... But also good, I heard that she was kinda strict~
~On the way back home~
Found out that it was my grandmother's birthday
So sad.. Couldnt celebrate her birthday with her
'Cause got tuition
Not to mention, the delicious food prepared by that restaurant
Anyways, HAPPY BIRTHDAY AH MA!!! ^__^
~In tuition~
Subjects were Geography and English
Ended with the class with an English essay
As I was saying earlier in the post
About the touching story and tongue twister
Well, here it is ^^ :
-Tongue Twister-
Note to self: The faster you say, the funnier it is
"Mr. See owned a saw.
And Mr. Soar owned a seesaw
Now See's saw sawed Soar's seesaw
Before Soar saw See,
Which made Soar sore,
Had Soar see Saw's saw
See's saw would not have sawed Soar's seesaw.
But it was sad to see Soar so sore
Just because See's saw sawed
Soar's seesaw!"
-Story titled: Friends-
"Every day we meet people.
Many of them become instant acquaintances and
most acquaintances bloom into friendship.
Often this transition period occurs gradually.
Friends come into our lives and go.
Few stays awhile longer and few still leave footsteps
in our hearts and in the sands of time.
Who is a friend and what are the qualities of a friend should possess?
The definition of a friend and friendship varies with each individual.
For me, a good friend is someone who understand me, accepts me for
what I am and at the same inpires me to do the best.
At a personal level, a true friends should not give up on me,
should always forgive my blunders and never appraise me
by an action as sometimes my actions maybe rash and inconsiderate.
We live in a very competitive world.
Most of us are caught up in the rat race or paper chase.
Mounting works pressure and demanding family commitments
take a toll on our time and energy.
Consequently most of us experience mood swings
due to a high expectations placed upon us.
It is during times like these, when we are burned with responsibility
and life comforting words of a friend; a friend who urges you
to pick up the pieces abd move on.
A good friend is always there to lend a helping hand or to lend us a
shoulder to cry on. At the same time, a friend should be trustworthy.
When friends trust us with secrets, we should never betray their confidence.
No one can confide in someone whom he cannot trust with his secrets.
True friendship is demanding. It requires loyalty, trust, empathy,
support and understanding. However, one should never expect such
virtues in a friend unless he is willing to offer these virtues in return.
In other words, one must be a friend. It may be impossible to find all
these virtues in a single friend. However, should I come across such a
friend, I shall treasure our friendship for life. As I remisnisce about
the good times I have shared with the best of my friends, the words
of William Shakespeare ring in my ears:
"A friend thou has, and their adoption tried, Grapple
them to thy soul with hoops of steels."
Yes, friendship that has stood the test of time should be most revered
and happy is the man who is blessed with such a friend"
Posted by Bernice~ at 7:52 PM 0 comments
Monday, January 4, 2010
4th of January 2010
Hey guys...
Today, school reopen after a month and a half of holiday
I'm a year older now
Being a Form 2 student, has a weird feeling for me
I dont know how to express it in words, though
Anyways.. like always
Really excited to go back to school to see my dear friends
And sad 'cause have to study
The first day of school
and we already received our textbooks
The textbooks were way! thicker than last year
Especially my History and a few other subjects
This year is going to be a much more different year
Why?? 'Cause of my position in class
I have a new job in this class
I am a 'setiausaha' (is something like a secretary)
This year is so different cause I have a position in the class comittee
This lighten up my mood^^
Super Junior-Sorry Sorry @ MBC Gayo Daejun
Posted by Bernice~ at 6:06 AM 0 comments
Friday, January 1, 2010
The Chipmucks are back!

Posted by Bernice~ at 7:14 PM 0 comments