From my last post, I didnt know where to do the countdown
My parents didnt want to go so far
So we went to Desa Park City to countdown...
It was so crowded there
We even have a hard time finding a place to park our car
While looking for a carpark,
Received some new year wishes from friends and family
Will show two of those messages:
"Fireworks are glowing.
Clocks are ticking.
Everyone is counting.
The new year is approaching!
May this new year enlighten you with shades of love,
fill you with abundance of joy, happiness, good luck,
and health, wealth and continous success!
Wishing you and your family a truly Happy New Year 2010"
"A new year
A new star
A new chapter
A new beginning
Forget the bad
Cherish the goood
Wish you and your family a Happy New Year"
There was a carnival held there
So you could spent your time playing games and etc.
We walked around for a while
After that we started finding a place to sit
The place we sat had the best view of the sky
For a while, we sat there
Then finally the countdown started...
The fireworks went up...
So beautiful
I was expecting at the end
That there will be a '2010' shoot up to the sky
But there wasnt so...
Well, you cant put your hopes up to high, right?
Not only we were counting down to the new year
But also a member from Super Junior
Which is ........ SUNGMIN OPPA!!!
Wish you a good and healthy life
And also wish you a year of prosperities and oppurtinies
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Countdown to 2010 ^^
Posted by Bernice~ at 7:24 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
A New Year~

Posted by Bernice~ at 8:01 PM 0 comments
Friday, December 25, 2009
The Blue-ish Aliens
- 25/12/09
Went to watch a movie, Avatar
The movie started at 11:45pm
So in the mean time,
while waiting for the movie to start,
we went to eat and hang around at my grandparents' place
Then it was time for the movie
The movie ended at about 2:40am (if i'm not mistaken)
My thoughts:
So awesome...!!
Didnt regret watching this movie
So many beautiful "things" such as the 'Eywa'
*dont really know how to expressed my thoughts in words*
Posted by Bernice~ at 8:17 PM 0 comments
Thursday, December 24, 2009
25th of December 2009
Hey! Awesome day today will be…
Everyone knows that today is…
I’m feeling really happy
Hope that I’ll get loads of present^^
"We wish a Merry Christmas
We wish a Merry Christmas
We wish a Merry Christmas
And a Happy New Year!"
"Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells
Jingle all the way
Oh, what fun it is to ride
And a one horse open sleigh…"
Posted by Bernice~ at 7:24 PM 0 comments
Monday, December 21, 2009
Today seems to be an aweful day for me
Not that I'm in trouble or anything...
Its some heartbreaking news~
There are three news I would like to share
First news:

R.I.P Brittany Murphy..
She has cardiac arrest at the age of 32!!
Die at such a young age
I even used to watch her shows
Wow.. I guess the world is coming to an end
So many death in the year 2009
Some even die young like Brittany~
May peace be with her~~ =]
(And let the family grief in private, you annoying PAPPARAZZI!!)
Okay, on with the second news:

This news will break alot of SuJu fans' heart
I know its a little too late to post
But I just want to post hehe...
Super Junior's Hankyung/Hangeng is TERMINATING HIS CONTRACT WITH SME
First DBSK's JaeChunSu
Now Hankyung!!
Its already heart-breaking that DBSK is breaking up
But dont add SuJu to the sadness
Hours after that news broke out,
Magnae, Kyuhyun posted a mysterious update on his CyWorld in English
"Even a beast don't bite the hand that feeds one
I can not understand"
So does it even relate to Hankyung's situation?
You tell me =/
Oh, and just to let you guys know
He even shut down his minihompy
Well, here goes the last sad news of the day *sighs*:

First there's DBSK'S JaeChunSu
Then SuJu's Hankyung
And now.... SNSD's HYOYEON!!
Omo~ why oh why
Why must they do that??
But ... Lets all hope for the best for them all
Posted by Bernice~ at 7:26 AM 0 comments
Saturday, December 19, 2009
- 19/12/09
Okay, yesterday there was this couple getting married
Instead of getting married at a fancy hotel/restaurant...
They got married at their parents' house!
Anyways, back to the main point
Reach there at about 7 something
The minute we reach there, we quickly grabbed a plate
After eating, we received a wedding present from the newly-weds
Grandparents chatted for awhile
While we sit there, listening to their conversation
After that, we bade goodbye and took off to the mall
In the mall, we did some Christmas shopping...
Even did some shopping for the new year
Paid for the items ... thn to home we go =)
Posted by Bernice~ at 7:41 PM 0 comments
Thursday, December 17, 2009
A Birthday Wish..!!
To Super Junior's Kang-In:
Kangin oppa, 당신 지금 뭐하는거야 괜찮 아요 희망을 ~
희망이 곧 돌아, 슈퍼 주니어와 함께 활동을하고있을 수있습니다
난 당신과 당신의 농담을 그리워 ...
건강 유지 잘
그리고 귀하의 모든 팬들이 당신을 기다리고있을 것입니다 ~
Kangin oppa, hope that you are doing alright now~
Hope that you can be back soon, doing activites with Super Junior
I miss you and your jokes...
Stay healthy and well
And all your fans will be waiting for you ~
Posted by Bernice~ at 9:06 PM 0 comments
Hey, I'm back with a new post...
Well, actually nothing much have been with my life
But I have been doing some new things to my blog
Like the new intro (on top) and a new background
So how do you like the background??
Nice or not??
I couldn't really make up my mind like last time
But I finally did ^^
Hope you guys will like the new background...
Oh, and do you think the SuJu pic (above) fits the background?
I was wondering about that
But if it really doesn't fits, please don't hesitate to me~
감사합니다 (meaning 'Thank you')
Posted by Bernice~ at 8:27 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
- 13/12/09
Note:This happened last Friday...
The restaurant was located in The Miles
The restaurant was normal, medium restuarant
That can ony fit a number of people
The minute we sit was the minute we went back out to shop for a while
There was a shop that we passed by earlier on
The shop was full of awesome clothes that I love!!
Tried on some clothes and ended up buying a shirt
that both, my mum and I like ALOT!
Then Crystal came and bought a top shirt for another wedding
Quickly went back 'cause the wedding had already started
This time I don't really like the bride's wedding dress
It didn't really fit her and it's PURPLE!
The food was normal and nothing special anymore
Since I've went to this type of wedding SO MANY TIMES...
During the karaoke hour, went to the toilet with Crystal
Wedding ended and said our goodbyes and congrats to the newly-wed couple
Then went for a quick joy-ride at KLCC
Posted by Bernice~ at 5:30 AM 0 comments
Sunday, December 13, 2009
UPDATE: Super Juni-or~
Article: Korean boy band, Super Junior, was
stunned when their recent concert in
Thailand, titled Super Junior Thr 2nd Asia
Tour 'Super Show 2' in Bangkok, attracted
around 32,000 fans! A rep for the concert
promoter said: "We had to sell the tickets
off-line because we had technical difficulties
when they last performed here. There were
more than 5,000 fans waiting in line to buy
the tickets a day before [they] went on sale."
My thoughts~
This is soo freakingly awesome
I never realised that there are
so many fans from Thailand
I hope the news about SuJu
coming to Malaysia will really be real...
P.S I got the article (above) from a magazine call Hot magazine...
Posted by Bernice~ at 2:28 AM 0 comments
Saturday, December 12, 2009
S.M Entertainment's most popular group besides DBSK/TVXQ/Tohosinki
*Note: No offence to DBSK fans =]*
(Top Left): Super Junior - 13eyond Your Imagination
(Top Right): SNSD/ Girls Generation - The Power Of Nine
(Below Left): SHINee - The SHINee star
(Below Right): f(x) - *dunno*
Posted by Bernice~ at 7:24 AM 0 comments
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Hey! Check out the mv for Super Junior's Sorry Sorry-Answer
They look soo freakingly hot~
Their dreamy eyes~
Anyways here is the video:
Posted by Bernice~ at 9:29 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Late Post~
- 08/11/09 (3.30pm)
Yesterday went to take my results
I was so worried
My mum went to the office to take it
I didn’t want to follow
Anyways I waited in the car, hoping for the best
Then my mum finally came into the car WITH MY RESULTS
I passed all my other subjects except for my GEOGRAPHY
OMG! My parents were happy at first that I passed everything
But my geo, Oh Dear!
Okay, I admit I didn’t study much for my geo
I only simply guess an answer and wrote in down
- 08/11/09 (at night)
Went to Jusco to eat dinner
But before that, went to the cinema to book tickets for New Moon
My parents had said for a few times
That they would bring me to watch New Moon
But it was kept postponing sighs
Anyways, back to the point,
They book three tickets
After that, went to KFC’s to eat
It was a satisfying dinner =]
- 06/11/09
Went to 1U to watch 2012 with my relatives
The movie started at 11:45 (if I’m not mistaken)
The movie was a touching movie
I almost cry when it came to the part
Where ppl had to sacrifice their lives
You will know what I meant after you watch the movie
Okay, back to reality, movie ended at about 2 something
After that, we went home
Posted by Bernice~ at 9:23 PM 0 comments
Monday, December 7, 2009
Seoul, Korea
Randomly found this on Youtube
It is SNSD&Super Junior
Creating a song about Seoul, Korea
Always to go there
Anyways, hope you enjoy the song like I did
Posted by Bernice~ at 9:25 PM 0 comments
Christmas is around the corner
So extremely happy
Family gathers to enjoy this festive season
Everyone will received presents
And no one will be in an unhappy mood
Smile to be happy
Laugh to be filled with joy
Combine them
And let the happiness take you on a journey
To a world that you'll never forget
Posted by Bernice~ at 9:17 PM 0 comments
A Fresh New Start
Hey guys! This may look like a new blog but it isnt
I just delete all post and made a new background
I deleted the post was because it was soo unorganized
So now this will probably the last I will do this
I'll make sure it will be more organised from now on
Posted by Bernice~ at 6:42 AM 0 comments